Miva Library Resource

Palgrave Macmillan

Focuses on Business, Economics, Politics, and Sociology, maintaining over 170 years of academic publishing tradition as part of Springer Nature.

Palgrave Macmillan

Oxford University Press (OUP)

Publishes over 300 journals across various disciplines, with a majority produced in collaboration with professional societies.

Oxford University Press (OUP)

SAGE Journals

Offers authors the option to make articles freely available through SAGE Choice, requiring an article processing charge.

SAGE Journals

Cochrane Library

A collection of databases offering high-quality, independent evidence for healthcare decision-making, published by Wiley.

Cochrane Library

IMF eLibrary

Provides authoritative global economic content, including IMF statistics, books, periodicals, and analytical papers for economic research.

IMF eLibrary

IOP (Institute of Physics)

Publishes over 70 prestigious journals in physics and related sciences, accessible on the IOP online platform.

IOP (Institute of Physics)


An international academic publisher partnering with institutions to disseminate content globally.


Publishes diverse article types in sciences, engineering, medicine, and humanities without editorial biases.

ACS (American Chemical Society)

Facilitates collaboration among professionals in science and engineering with a wide array of special interest groups.

ACS (American Chemical Society)


A multidisciplinary journal database accessible on-campus via IP regulation or off-campus via token-based registration.